Falconieri / Falconieri Suite (Early Baroque Series 22)
ファルコニエーリ 組曲(初期バロックシリーズ 22)
The following seven pieces has been arranged for ten parts brass ensemble from the instrumental music collection published in 1650 by the Naples composer Andrea Falconieri.
1. Battaglia (Battle of the Devil's Son-in-law Barabaso)
2. La suave Melodia (sweet melody and its courante)
3. Gallarda
4. Fantasia detta la Portia (Fantasia for Portia)
5. Folias (Folia for Mrs. Tarotilla de Caralenos)
6. Passacalle
7. L'Eroica (Hero & Chaccona)
<Tips for performance>
The dynamics, tempo, and articulations are added by the arranger for performance reference. You can freely change it if there are more effective one. (Example: The beginning of the first piece, Battaglia; has each phrase decrescendo, however it can be played with crescendo. Also, this part can be started with forte or piano. It is possible to add the effectiveness of the interaction by making the dynamics of the group and the two groups different.)
1. Battaglia(悪魔の娘婿バラバーソの戦い)
2. La suave Melodia(甘いメロディーとそのクーラント)
3. Gallarda(ガイヤルド)
4. Fantasia detta la Portia(ファンタジア ポルティア)
5. Folias(タロティッリャ・デ・カラリェノス夫人のためのフォリア)
6. Passacalle(パッサーカーレ)
7. L'Eroica(英雄&チャッコーナ)